Hi, I'm Sean. I'm passionate about art, technology, and how we can use both to (actually) benefit humanity.
I've worked around the world in fields ranging from neurosurgery to opera; social justice to aerospace; cargo logistics to accessibility for people with disabilities.
My skillset includes XR development, UX/Interaction design, product management, and software engineering.
My work has received awards and recognition from Elon Musk & SpaceX, President Barack Obama, New York University, Oculus, Microsoft China, SIGGRAPH, TechCrunch, and others.
I'm working on remaining grateful for every day.
Feel free to shoot me a message any time using this form:
Selected press:
2017 NYU Shanghai:
Sean Kelly ‘17: Stepping Easily into the Digital Future
2017 The Economist:
Digital music tools are reshaping music education
2016 TechCrunch:
Teach-U: VR uses virtual reality to let anyone learn piano or drums
2016 Global Cre8 Summit:
Full Talk: Sean Kelly—Developing VR/AR for medicine
Other press:
2017 Bund Education:
这四位上海纽约大学第一届学生,毕业前这样总结大学四年 (Four NYU Shanghai students on the past four years)
2017 Global Times:
上海纽约大学超级高铁圆桌会议 (Team Shanghai Hyperloop with the Global Times)
2017 NYC Media Lab:
"MediVis: New York City startup promises augmented reality tools for surgeons"
2016 zdnet.be:
Iedereen kan piano spelen of drummen met virtual reality
2016 Feng.com:
2015 RoadToVR:
SHVR Vive Jam Kicks off With 40 of China’s Top VR Developers
2015 NYU Shanghai Interactive Media Arts:
Students Impress at IMA Spring 2015 End-of-Semester Show